Ok so here's the deal.. My grandpa's dog had puppies, and I picked one out and came over one day and it was gone and I was very sad. :( I didn't know if I could have it to begin with though, so i tried not to get upset. Then I picked out one to keep for real after my mom said I could have one. So, I had been playing with it a lot and stuff... Anywho, The people came back and said they wanted to look at the males and there were 2 and one of them was mine and I was like.. umm there's this one and this one but this is the one I was thinking about keeping but I guess if yall really want it.. and one of the girls is like "Yeah, that's the one she wanted" (don't ask me who) anyways, they ended up taking it. Yeah, I lost it. I waited til they left but then I freaking lost it.... I called my mommy and cussed her out cause well, at the time it was her fault. I'm a brat,okay? so, I bawled for half an hour, I actually cried so hard i threw up and yeah. (I also think I may be starting my period soon) Anyways. My mom called me back later and was like "What the fuck was that?" and I go "You could've told me they were gonna take my fucking dog" (she didn't tell me they were coming over to get another puppy) and she started to bitch at me and i was like "no forget it, i've cried enough so just stop" and she said something about "listen to me damn it" and anywho, The woman that took my original favorite puppy couldn't keep it because she was about to start working like 16 hour days and couldn't be there enough for it, so she said I could have it back. When mom told me, I cried even more , half from happiness and the other half for being stupid and emotional and I felt bad for the lady.
I'll post a pic later, but right now, what would you think a puppy crossed from a pure bred Maltese and pure bred Dachshund?

lmao, Sounds horrible,right? Well, it's not. She is more maltese than anything.
(the dad is a maltese and the mommy is a dachshund..even if that's a picture of male dachshund.....)
I'll post the pic later. Loveeeeeee
Edit: I can't get a picture just yet, but basically she's a maltese..but like..tanish white.
Something very disgusting and embarrasing happend to me today, If you wanna know what it is I'll tell you but other than too bad lmao