For reals.
My sister called me and told me i had to come see her get bapetized (lmaoooooo I so spelled that wrong) tomorrow && i want to,but I don't know if we'll be leaving tonight. Yar.
I can't find my lighter.
I need to go find something to eat.
Ooo, I almost forgotted.
The other night, when Joel and I were laying down to sleep, he was on his back and I was on my side up against him facing away from him (lmao if that makes sense) and i had ahold of his arm and I was thinking about how much i love him and how i couldn't hold him tight enough.
But I think i was holding him too tightly,cause his arm started twitching.
>.< hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Know what I find amusing? For years,teachers tried to teach us proper grammar, spelling, proper use of punctuation and all that... And so in class (most of us) wrote correctly and did all that.. But almost every one of those students went home and greeted their friends online
"hi!! :D wutz up wit u?"
I amuse myself. K, I'm leaving now. Bye.
♥ Tiff

Wasn't he ADORABLE?!?!! Yup, We're gonna make beautiful babies some day...:)
My sister called me and told me i had to come see her get bapetized (lmaoooooo I so spelled that wrong) tomorrow && i want to,but I don't know if we'll be leaving tonight. Yar.
I can't find my lighter.
I need to go find something to eat.
Ooo, I almost forgotted.
The other night, when Joel and I were laying down to sleep, he was on his back and I was on my side up against him facing away from him (lmao if that makes sense) and i had ahold of his arm and I was thinking about how much i love him and how i couldn't hold him tight enough.
But I think i was holding him too tightly,cause his arm started twitching.
>.< hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Know what I find amusing? For years,teachers tried to teach us proper grammar, spelling, proper use of punctuation and all that... And so in class (most of us) wrote correctly and did all that.. But almost every one of those students went home and greeted their friends online
"hi!! :D wutz up wit u?"
I amuse myself. K, I'm leaving now. Bye.
♥ Tiff

Wasn't he ADORABLE?!?!! Yup, We're gonna make beautiful babies some day...:)
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