I'm sick.
Damn it.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
My puppy
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Ok so here's the deal.. My grandpa's dog had puppies, and I picked one out and came over one day and it was gone and I was very sad. :( I didn't know if I could have it to begin with though, so i tried not to get upset. Then I picked out one to keep for real after my mom said I could have one. So, I had been playing with it a lot and stuff... Anywho, The people came back and said they wanted to look at the males and there were 2 and one of them was mine and I was like.. umm there's this one and this one but this is the one I was thinking about keeping but I guess if yall really want it.. and one of the girls is like "Yeah, that's the one she wanted" (don't ask me who) anyways, they ended up taking it. Yeah, I lost it. I waited til they left but then I freaking lost it.... I called my mommy and cussed her out cause well, at the time it was her fault. I'm a brat,okay? so, I bawled for half an hour, I actually cried so hard i threw up and yeah. (I also think I may be starting my period soon) Anyways. My mom called me back later and was like "What the fuck was that?" and I go "You could've told me they were gonna take my fucking dog" (she didn't tell me they were coming over to get another puppy) and she started to bitch at me and i was like "no forget it, i've cried enough so just stop" and she said something about "listen to me damn it" and anywho, The woman that took my original favorite puppy couldn't keep it because she was about to start working like 16 hour days and couldn't be there enough for it, so she said I could have it back. When mom told me, I cried even more , half from happiness and the other half for being stupid and emotional and I felt bad for the lady.
I'll post a pic later, but right now, what would you think a puppy crossed from a pure bred Maltese and pure bred Dachshund?
I'll post a pic later, but right now, what would you think a puppy crossed from a pure bred Maltese and pure bred Dachshund?
lmao, Sounds horrible,right? Well, it's not. She is more maltese than anything.
(the dad is a maltese and the mommy is a dachshund..even if that's a picture of male dachshund.....)
I'll post the pic later. Loveeeeeee
Edit: I can't get a picture just yet, but basically she's a maltese..but like..tanish white.
Something very disgusting and embarrasing happend to me today, If you wanna know what it is I'll tell you but other than too bad lmao
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I love music.
And, I should listen to lyrics more often. A couple weeks ago I realized what Dirty Little Secret says..
The Chorus..
I'll keep you my dirty little secret(Dirty little secret)Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)My dirty little secret...
Jussstttt mean. Those of us who have been a "dirty little secret" know that it SUCKS and that's just mean. lol.
Anyways, I LOVE PANIC! AT THE DISCO. I do. I do I do I do OO oooooo.
And my sister rocksss because she burned me the CD. Happiness.
Umm. It's 8:37 am ....Do you know where you're children are?
And, I should listen to lyrics more often. A couple weeks ago I realized what Dirty Little Secret says..
The Chorus..
I'll keep you my dirty little secret(Dirty little secret)Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)My dirty little secret...
Jussstttt mean. Those of us who have been a "dirty little secret" know that it SUCKS and that's just mean. lol.
Anyways, I LOVE PANIC! AT THE DISCO. I do. I do I do I do OO oooooo.
And my sister rocksss because she burned me the CD. Happiness.
Umm. It's 8:37 am ....Do you know where you're children are?
Friday, July 28, 2006
Ok, This may only be funny cause I'm extremely tired and it's 1:30 A.M. ...
I'm watching the shining and it's where Jack Nicholsons to the point of no return and the mom tells the insane child (i've concluded psychoness is genetic) that she'll be right back cause she's just going to check on daddy, and the next scene she's in she's carrying a bat and calling his name. Hahahahaha. Ha.
HAHA she found his writing. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
This movie would end sooner if she's just hit the dumb bastard with the bat. Stupid bitch.
Bye now.
EDIT: jack nicholson "I'm NOT gonna hurt you, I'm JUST gonna BASH your brains in"
Also, She did just hit him in the head with the bat. Bye for real.
I'm watching the shining and it's where Jack Nicholsons to the point of no return and the mom tells the insane child (i've concluded psychoness is genetic) that she'll be right back cause she's just going to check on daddy, and the next scene she's in she's carrying a bat and calling his name. Hahahahaha. Ha.
HAHA she found his writing. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
This movie would end sooner if she's just hit the dumb bastard with the bat. Stupid bitch.
Bye now.
EDIT: jack nicholson "I'm NOT gonna hurt you, I'm JUST gonna BASH your brains in"
Also, She did just hit him in the head with the bat. Bye for real.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Ok, So sylvia's sister, Brandi, Who is also one of my best friends..she's gonna be in my wedding and i was supposed to be in hers.. yeah, anyways, SHE'S PREGNANT!! YAY!!!
i'm so happy for her. She's due like January 13th or so..yay! i am so happy for her!!
that's all i've got so far. I just woke up an hour ago when she called lol. Bye now.
Ok, So sylvia's sister, Brandi, Who is also one of my best friends..she's gonna be in my wedding and i was supposed to be in hers.. yeah, anyways, SHE'S PREGNANT!! YAY!!!
i'm so happy for her. She's due like January 13th or so..yay! i am so happy for her!!
that's all i've got so far. I just woke up an hour ago when she called lol. Bye now.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
How're you? Good? Good.
Anyways. I updated my myspace using a generator type thing, and it effin ROCKS. I have 2 favorite new songs. Get stoned by Hinder (no, I do not do drugs. Honest.) And Crazy Bitch by BuckCherry. Yeah biddy. Sylvia's influences.
Speaking of Sylvia, She is grounded :( But I guess it doesn't really matter because i'm like... 30 miles away I think. Yeah. Sounds good.
I'm a barbie girl, In a barbie world.
How're you? Good? Good.
Anyways. I updated my myspace using a generator type thing, and it effin ROCKS. I have 2 favorite new songs. Get stoned by Hinder (no, I do not do drugs. Honest.) And Crazy Bitch by BuckCherry. Yeah biddy. Sylvia's influences.
Speaking of Sylvia, She is grounded :( But I guess it doesn't really matter because i'm like... 30 miles away I think. Yeah. Sounds good.
I'm a barbie girl, In a barbie world.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I need a shower.
For reals.
My sister called me and told me i had to come see her get bapetized (lmaoooooo I so spelled that wrong) tomorrow && i want to,but I don't know if we'll be leaving tonight. Yar.
I can't find my lighter.
I need to go find something to eat.
Ooo, I almost forgotted.
The other night, when Joel and I were laying down to sleep, he was on his back and I was on my side up against him facing away from him (lmao if that makes sense) and i had ahold of his arm and I was thinking about how much i love him and how i couldn't hold him tight enough.
But I think i was holding him too tightly,cause his arm started twitching.
>.< hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Know what I find amusing? For years,teachers tried to teach us proper grammar, spelling, proper use of punctuation and all that... And so in class (most of us) wrote correctly and did all that.. But almost every one of those students went home and greeted their friends online
"hi!! :D wutz up wit u?"
I amuse myself. K, I'm leaving now. Bye.
♥ Tiff

Wasn't he ADORABLE?!?!! Yup, We're gonna make beautiful babies some day...:)
My sister called me and told me i had to come see her get bapetized (lmaoooooo I so spelled that wrong) tomorrow && i want to,but I don't know if we'll be leaving tonight. Yar.
I can't find my lighter.
I need to go find something to eat.
Ooo, I almost forgotted.
The other night, when Joel and I were laying down to sleep, he was on his back and I was on my side up against him facing away from him (lmao if that makes sense) and i had ahold of his arm and I was thinking about how much i love him and how i couldn't hold him tight enough.
But I think i was holding him too tightly,cause his arm started twitching.
>.< hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Know what I find amusing? For years,teachers tried to teach us proper grammar, spelling, proper use of punctuation and all that... And so in class (most of us) wrote correctly and did all that.. But almost every one of those students went home and greeted their friends online
"hi!! :D wutz up wit u?"
I amuse myself. K, I'm leaving now. Bye.
♥ Tiff

Wasn't he ADORABLE?!?!! Yup, We're gonna make beautiful babies some day...:)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I feel like shit.
On a brighter note, If you call the cable people and tell them you will pay your bill, they turn your internet back on!
EDIT: More of an update.
Did you know that Carrie was Stephen King's first novel??
Did you know it's one of the greatest books ever written?
(in my opinion)
I have cramps, I've been on my period for 2 months(over 2 months), My glands are swollen, my throat is sore and gross looking, my nose is stuffy/draining.
And I have to babysit in the morning. 5 am at that.
I also now I have the hiccups.
On a brighter note, If you call the cable people and tell them you will pay your bill, they turn your internet back on!
EDIT: More of an update.
Did you know that Carrie was Stephen King's first novel??
Did you know it's one of the greatest books ever written?
(in my opinion)
I have cramps, I've been on my period for 2 months(over 2 months), My glands are swollen, my throat is sore and gross looking, my nose is stuffy/draining.
And I have to babysit in the morning. 5 am at that.
I also now I have the hiccups.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
It's 5:30 and Joel's not home yet. I have to talk to him about something very important. I hope his day went okay :( As long as he had to work today, I'm afraid he might not like the new job. I dunno, though.
Side note, My body does not like it if i do not eat. I'm not starving myself on purpose, but there is a lack of food and now when it comes to food the idea isn't so great. Sooooo i'm not feeling to well. And i've been on my period for like 2 months or something. It's rediculous.
Busy, busy week.. Tonight I need to go to my brothers and watch the 3 gilmore girls on the DVR and tomorrow i've got my fat girls club meeting, then after that i'm going to go hang out with sylvia..Thursday, I have to watch the girls all day and then all night cause during the day Rikki and Lance are going to help my brother move into his new house, and then that night rikki wants to go to the Foam Party.So poo poo :( But it's all good.
I should get my job back cause Rikki is probably gonna go back to her old one til she finds a new one. So that's a little extra money.
I'm gonna go now..hope joelie gets here soon :(
Bye bye..
Side note, My body does not like it if i do not eat. I'm not starving myself on purpose, but there is a lack of food and now when it comes to food the idea isn't so great. Sooooo i'm not feeling to well. And i've been on my period for like 2 months or something. It's rediculous.
Busy, busy week.. Tonight I need to go to my brothers and watch the 3 gilmore girls on the DVR and tomorrow i've got my fat girls club meeting, then after that i'm going to go hang out with sylvia..Thursday, I have to watch the girls all day and then all night cause during the day Rikki and Lance are going to help my brother move into his new house, and then that night rikki wants to go to the Foam Party.So poo poo :( But it's all good.
I should get my job back cause Rikki is probably gonna go back to her old one til she finds a new one. So that's a little extra money.
I'm gonna go now..hope joelie gets here soon :(
Bye bye..
Monday, April 24, 2006
Roller Coaster
Alright, So today has been up and down up and down..All friggin day.
Like..This morning I was really upset about life in general (money..the whole thing with Sylvia) ..Well, then, Joel got offered a really good job and that was great..But then we found out it's going to be really dangerous...and that's bad...But there's really good perks and stuff..so that's good... He finds out tomorrow evening if he has it for sure.
Also, for the past couple days i've been eating at myself about the whole Sylvia situation... Well, I finally decided, That as angry as i was, I was more worried about her than anything. So I called her, and she called me back tonight.. She really does feel bad about the other night. Theres more to it then that, we talked some things out and I let her know how much she means to me and how i'll always be there for her and stuff. So we're okay. That makes me feel loads better.. When you've only got 1 best friend (other then your man) it's scary to think of losing her. Especially as close as we are.

We're getting some variation of that^^(best friends)
Tattooed on the back of our calves when we turn 18.I have to research it more though and make sure it's right before it gets tattooed on us for the rest of our lives lol. That's just something i drew out for fun.The real one will be drawn in pink and outlined in black.
I'm going to put some pics of me and my 3 fave peoples in the whole world (aside from my mommy daddy brother and the rest .. i love them bunches too!!! :D)
Here's me and Sylly...

♥Me and My Sissy♥

We're so gorgeous :D
And last but not at all least...

Me and my Baby :D Sorta old but it works...
I ♥ him :)
K well I gotta get off to bed..Gotta watch the 2 most gorgeous babies tomorrow about 11 :)

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Messed up.
If a friend tells you she'll spend the night, Then later calls and asks if it's okay if she goes to party for a little while after work before coming to your house, do you get upset??
How about if it's 3 AM and she's still not here yet?
EDIT: Ok, How about .. if you go to your friends sister's and wake her up at 4AM and she has to go to Sonic to get the possible party person's phone number..she calls it and gets bullshitted by 2 different people saying that your friends not there...Then, when threatened with the cops they hand the phone over and your friend half talks to her sister and then is instructed to come home and threatend with cops...Well, your friend then shows up at your house trashed, and doesn't even seem to think she did anything wrong. "I just wanted to have fun". Why didn't you call me? "I didn't want to hurt your feelings" OH I SEE BECAUSE NOT FUCKING SHOWING UP AT ALL IS A BETTER IDEA
How about if it's 3 AM and she's still not here yet?
EDIT: Ok, How about .. if you go to your friends sister's and wake her up at 4AM and she has to go to Sonic to get the possible party person's phone number..she calls it and gets bullshitted by 2 different people saying that your friends not there...Then, when threatened with the cops they hand the phone over and your friend half talks to her sister and then is instructed to come home and threatend with cops...Well, your friend then shows up at your house trashed, and doesn't even seem to think she did anything wrong. "I just wanted to have fun". Why didn't you call me? "I didn't want to hurt your feelings" OH I SEE BECAUSE NOT FUCKING SHOWING UP AT ALL IS A BETTER IDEA
Friday, April 21, 2006
got bored with xanga..don't post a whole lot nowadays anyways..but maybe a change of pace will get me motivated. EH?
If you'd like to see previous blog entries u may go to www.xanga.com/demonangel55
Alright? Well. Not a lot going on with me. Waitin on Joel to bring my subway. Listenin to Eve 6. Rock on. "When i think about i touch myself"
lmao. Yay.
I'm hungry.
Andddddddd........leaving now.
EDIT: The freakin subway lady screwed up my sandwiches and so i couldn't eat the 2nd one and the first one just wasn't right :(
If you'd like to see previous blog entries u may go to www.xanga.com/demonangel55
Alright? Well. Not a lot going on with me. Waitin on Joel to bring my subway. Listenin to Eve 6. Rock on. "When i think about i touch myself"
lmao. Yay.
I'm hungry.
Andddddddd........leaving now.
EDIT: The freakin subway lady screwed up my sandwiches and so i couldn't eat the 2nd one and the first one just wasn't right :(
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